lots of sunshine (i hope)
and tons and tons of walking.....
i've never been a comfort shoe kind of gal....
always choosing style over substance....
but i'm considering these......
heard they are super crazy comfortable....
what do you think?
yes or no?
This is the ultimate tough question. Sacrifice style for comfort? I never thought I would ever wear a pair of Crocs, but one day I decided maybe it was time to break down. I tried a shoe very similar to this one, but it was a couple of years ago, so it might have been a slightly different style and I didn't find them to be comfortable at all. I was actually a little bit relieved. But hopefully you'll find something comfortable. I think Camper shoes are comfortable, and they aren't generally high style, but the funky factor is enough for me. Do tell if you break down and wear Crocs.
If anyone can pull it off I'm certain you can.
so funny! i wrestled with the same conundrum myself...
Tim Gunn on Crocs: I made a promise to myself that I will not become immune to their hideousness.
That said, I will admit that I tried on some very similar to that and 1) they weren't nearly as hideous as the 'standard' croc that only a 3-yr old should wear and 2) they really were comfy...
Tough one.
I think they are both stylish and comfortable! I say go for it!
Crocs are great for the garden or around the house, but I still gotta vote no. Maybe try Sofft or Born for comfy cute shoes that are actual shoes. Either way, I'm a big fan of comfort first!
There are so many croc haters out there but I must say I love my black pima's. I wear them all the time! Now, even jcrew has a pvc shoe:http://www.jcrew.com/AST/Browse/WomenBrowse/Women_Feature_Assortment/NewArrivals/shoes/PRDOVR~22855/22855.jsp
I say yes. These are way less "croc-like" than the original clunkers. Especially while traveling (when you want to totally immerse in the experience and not worry about things such as blisters), go with comfort. :)
I have been wondering the same thing! I do a lot of walking b/c of where I live. I tried on those same shoes and have been debating getting them....I think they are kinda cute and they are very comfortable!
Definitely go for them!I am thinking of getting one also :) I hated crocs and was in search for something that looked more stylish. Great find!
I think they are so comfortable...I bought some for wearing around the house and when I walk ouside and I love them. These ones are cuter then the big toed ones also, so I think you should go for them.
no. no. no.
My sister has some similar shoes for work (she is a manager at a busy restaurant), and I will say that these look much cuter on her than I expected they would. They must be pretty comfortable, as well, because she is on her feet 10-12 hours at a time.
yes..... i have 4 pairs. i live them. they are amazing.
I say you CAN pull it off! These are cute! I want a pair, now!
very comfy. but be careful choose them tight fitting.
i bought (during a trip abroad so no return) a very similar pair (still Crocs) last summer that i thought were fitting ok and after a week or two had to give up on them because i was "loosing" them...
they're cute and would also be good in the rain. i just got these from ll bean and they're so comfortable -
I tried on similar crocs today! They WERE comfy, but still look a little weird. Also, not enough arch support for me, but may be okay for other people.
I can't EVER wear flats because they never stay on my feet and they never have arch support... But if I were to get some flats, these would be them since they fit the best and were about a million times comfier than normal flats.
Can you try them on somewhere and see how they look in real life? They are definitely rubbery-looking, but I think this is okay with some outfits. If they were made by a different brand would you not be so hesitant to buy them? Normal crocs are hideous, but these I don't think are any worse than say, some sketchers I've seen.
YES. i have them and they are awesome.
would never be caught dead in their clogs, heck no.
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