
days and nights...

i'm spending my nights staying up as late as i possibly can
to watch the australian open
...then taping the rest
and then playing it during the day
when i am home...
..super loud so i can hear it where ever i am in the house
(and avoiding the news and internet...so i don't know the results)
until it starts again the next night.
it's a rough job, but somebody's got to do it :)

vintage tennis rackets here


Diana Mieczan said...

Hahha...Know the feeling:) Enjoy it.Kisses

Ps: I am hosting a natural cosmetics GIVEAWAY later today! Hope you’ll join in :)

chunky girl said...

I was talking to someone the other day that refused to watch sporting events time-delayed...
We'd never get to be thrilled by a bunch of fun things like cycling or tennis!

Mrs.French said...

your dedication is admirable my friend. xo t

Barbi said...

Yes!! Another tennis fanatic. I don't have time to watch, but one of my friends has been texting me updates throughout the day.