it's a day i look forward to all year.....
back to school........supply shopping!!!!
i love it!
and while, i am sure
that i will get a little frustrated
...trying to find the exact things
that my 3 kids have on their lists
.....i am still going to have fun
i love, love, love all the paper
and the pencils and the pens
and the tape
and did i say paper???
i know i am shopping for them....
but i am certain that some great
notebook or pack of pens
will find it's way home with me
via simplesong
Oh... That brings back such good memories for me...! It used to be my favorite time of year - when summer had gone for too long and the school year was starting again.
I would get money from my mom and go to a little shop in our neighborhood, filled with the smell of pencils and notebooks and thick erasers... The closest to that smell for me here has been to visit an art supply store. But it's not quite the same... I wonder if I'll be able to recapture some of that, like you describe, once my little one starts elementary school... Thanks for posting!
new school supplies are just the best and there are so many nice things for grown-ups, too. love these.
yay! one of my favorite days, too. so excited that this september i'll be headed back to school myself!
maria...my favorite place in greenville to find get that neighborhood feel is wilsons...always a mess, but i love finding little treasures in there
cindy...love the fun things for grown-ups
erin...you are going back to school? how fun! a huge excuse to buy all kinds of fun supplies!
We have so got to do that. I love and hate it all in one. With three going back to school it is insanely expensive but I love the flood of my own back to school shopping memories. xoxo
i have very fond and frustrating memories of getting school supplies. we had to duracel the notebooks which was clear sticky wrap to make the books more durable and i always always get big bubbles in them!
thanks for sharing! these things make me so happy
me too. me too, i loooove paper goods, especially vintage lined papers. its the color....
Oh I need to do this, and I'm procrastinating. I DON'T enjoy it at all!
I would find it very difficult not to buy something for myself, if I were you :)
well...we made it
with one in high school, one in jr high and one in elementary...it was more confusing than ever. loved it...but now i AM glad that it's over...
is this a girl thing?
i too love supplies...fresh paper, milky white glue...that not only helps me create lovely things but peels gently off my hands..giving my hands something to do and my mind time to wander. :)
the hubs just doesn't get it. hence the question.
besh....that totally makes me laugh. my husband was having fun reading the comments earlier today just to see if there was anyone else who felt the same way i do...the idea of supply shopping is completely foreign to him!!
So much fun! Fabulous post... and what a gorgeous set of photos! I seem to be so behind on reading blogs today - sorry for late comment! (Too obsessed with crocheting to turn on the computer today!) K x
hmmm i loved september...new shoes, new pencil case, new bag, new lunchbox. perfect.
those are the coolest pencils i have ever seen.
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