i loved going to open studios here in greenville last week
....my guy and i visited so many fun places
and had so many others we wanted to hit, but ran out of time!
one of my favorites was the newly remodeled
and fabulously amazing a. carrier studio.
it was so great to catch up with angie
and see all her new work
i loved the butterfly pillows.....and the fun chair
...and the lampshades and her great artwork and tees
i seriously went around the whole studio saying...
"you can get me this for christmas"...
and "oh, i would love that, too"
(and scott, if you are reading this...
i am still really wanting that union jack in the middle
...and a pillow....and..... :)
photos via a. carrier studio
Those butterfly pillows are so sweet!Wish you a wonderful Monday
nothing better than an open studio. love the butterfly cushions too, even though butterflys kinda repulse me! it's the fluttering that freaks me...
open studio tours are so fun. we randomly have them in st pete. I also love home tours - when I lived in Key West it awesome - so many great homes hidden behind green foliage. Anyways...i love open studio tours!
thanks for stopping by and for all your kind words!! i still have the "union jack"...
oh what a fun day ... i love it all, too. and yes, the union jack should be yours for christmas! from what i can tell you've been very, very good this year!
love me some angie.....and how hard she worked to make this dream a beautiful reality! All the blood sweat and tears paid of in a fantastic, fantastic way! I'm so proud of her! woot! woot!
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